Sunday, January 6, 2008

as we age, we learn nothing, and my body still aches

Whatever it is that I had, it's not mono. For which I am eternally grateful.
I've felt like I'm physically deteriorating. But I'm feeling much better now.

I got new headphones so I can work on my Rosetta Stone more thoroughly. I crave knowledge of the spanish language. To me, it's just such a fun thing to do. I'm a dork, I know it. But for once in my life, schoolwork interests me, and i'm excelling. Thus, I'm embracing it.
I'm writing all my letters to Julio in spanish.
Hopefully i'll hear from him soon. WorldVision is investigating things for me.

My mom comes home tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.
Because honestly, I'm still mad.
I'm still hurt.
I'm still damaged.
And "i'm sorry" doesn't undo years or pain and deprevity.

I finally convinced my dad to come to Mexico with me this summer.
I can't wait. I love mission work. I love feeling like i'm making a difference.
I can't wait to be a nurse so I can just.. help people.
I'd love to be a crisis relief nurse and travel the world.

Which brings me to school. I finished off my first college semester with straight A's. Ok, sort of. I got a "D" in Dining Room. But in all fairness, I didn't even attend the final, so that's pretty fabulous. And I wasn't even supposed to be in that class, so, I don't care one bit. Everyone's allowed a "whoops... it was my first semester of college!" mistake. In my mind, I got straight A's. And it feels awesome.
Hopefully I can finish off this semester with good marks so I can get into a nursing program in the spring.

Well, I'm on an organizing/cleaning spree, which is pretty uncharacteristic of me, so i'm going to take full advantage of it.


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